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Leo Tolstoy | True Leagand

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Leo Tostes, a believer in the novel, is not a source of entertainment but a means of education, psychology, and reform. In his eyes, it is the highest environment in which we can get to know others, especially those who may appear outward, and thus expand our humanity and tolerance. He was born in 1828 in Iasnaia Poliana, a large family property about a hundred miles south of Moscow. It must be his life, both open and closed for life.

Leo Tolstoy | True Leagand

His parents died when he was little and he was raised by relatives. He failed at university. One teacher described him as "uneducated and reluctant to learn."

He spent many years gambling, drinking and chasing gypsies before taking over as artillery officer in the Crimean War. He married in his early thirties. His wife, Sophia, hailed from a highly cultivated culture and was only eighteen years old. They had 13 children, nine of whom survived the baby.

It was a difficult marriage. There is a lot of arguing about sex and resentment on both sides. The lion has grown a very long beard, has been a good fit and spent most of his training time. What he did there, he wrote very successful books, including War and Peace, Anna Karenina, and the Death of Ivy League.

Tolstoy did not believe in art for the sake of art. He is heavily invested in the belief that good art should make us less moral and judgmental and should supplement religion in terms of resource development and virtue. Tolstoy's main morals were often criticized by critics, and Art did not want to defile art, but in reality Tolsto was the most important and without any of his efforts. Can be properly appreciated without a single thought. Tolstoy's first major novel, War and Peace, was published in 1869 at the age of 41. In it we meet Natasha Rostov, a wonderful young lady, for free.

She was initially engaged to Andrev, a good and honest man who loved her dearly but at the same time was emotional and unique. When Andrev travels to Italy, Natasha encounters a mysterious man named Anatol and under his spell. She almost comforts her and convinces her to run away with him even though her family manages to stop her at the last minute. All shocked and angry Natasha. Such madness destroys her expectations and deeply affects her family. By world standards, NASA has failed miserably. If we hear any news about such a person, we can quickly conclude that she is beyond normal sympathy. She had a lot of it. She thought to herself, she got what she deserved. And Tolstoy's point of view is that if we understand what NASA knows on the inside of her mind, we cannot and will not withdraw compassion. However, she does not indulge in being dishonest or very respectful. She was just a sexually inexperienced young woman who felt abandoned by her busy boyfriend. She was a very lazy and warm character and easily took over her joy and happiness. She also wants to seduce other people, leading to problems with the fiction and the Anatolian plot. Tolsto keeps us on the side of Natasha, and in doing so, forces us to repeat the course in his view, the basis of moral life: If we see the inner life of another person more properly, they They will not show up in their normal lives. Cool and one-dimensional - and we treat them kindly as they really need and deserve. No one should be outside the circle of mercy and forgiveness. For Tolstoy, the novel's special task is to help us understand the so-called unrequited characters. One of the oldest characters in his fiction is the husband of Anna Annaina, the heroine of the author's novel of the same name, Karina, and the brutal, cruel. A tragic novel tells the story of Annie, who is married, adorable, intelligent, lively and happy, her life shattered when she falls in love with Winsky, a wonderful young general. Anna's husband counts Alexei Karenin, a low-minded, high-ranking official who is often angry with Anna and unable to respond to her emotional wishes. As Anna's relationship with Vansky grows, her husband's main concern is that it may lead to social gossip, which may affect his social status. There seems to be no sense of marriage at all. He came across as cold and ugly.

Leo Tolstoy | True Leagand

But then Anna gives birth to a beloved baby, falls ill, and in emotional turmoil, Karen is very emotional, screams to the baby, the mother and forgives Anna: 'No, you can't forgive me!' He felt a spiritual sensation that immediately gave him a new kind of happiness he had never known: The pleasure of loving and forgiving the enemy filled his heart. Baby Anna: He has unusual feelings for the newborn, not only pity but also tenderness. Initially sympathetic, he was fascinated by the delicious little creature ... Now he goes to kindergarten several times a day ... Sometimes he sits quietly for half an hour, staring at the wrinkled face of a sleeping baby Seeing the motion of the eyebrows in awe and his thick, small hands, his fingers rubbing his small eyes and nose. We see an entirely unexpected view of Tollow, his inner life is not what we expect from the outside, but Tolstoy points out that Karen is not a truly unusual character in any respect But this is just a mixture of evil and normal, this is not normal for people, not people who have a huge reserve of tenderness, etc. Q: They have very different character sizes and are more than what is forbidden. We were invited to take a similar journey regarding another trait of Tolstoy the hero of "The Death of Ivy League" (published in 1886). At the beginning of the novel, we meet John, the Supreme Court judge, at the height of a society that seems selfish, vain, and thoughtless. But one day, helping to hang the curtain, John falls off the stairs and senses internal pain, the first sign of a disease that is diagnosed as early to die. They will have only a few months to live. With his health, Eva spends much time sitting on the couch at home. His family, who know how uncomfortable their death is for their social and financial positions, are starting to get upset and his illness. He has a short back. But John had many epidemics. He looks back on his life and redeems the defenseless. He becomes equally sensitive to nature - and to the generosity of his servants, a humble, ignorant farmer. It is stupid to go crazy when everyone avoids paying attention to one important fact in life: Let us all die. He understands that our death must always be on our minds and must be motivated and kind. At the time of his death, Tylius imagined that he would finally feel the compassion and forgiveness of everyone around him. Much like his work, Tolstor details the vast philosophical and psychological drama that takes place in the hero's head. Those around him - the doctors and his family saw - he was a dark man who spent a lot of time on the wall, always saying, "Leave me alone," and who would sometimes moan, mourn, and once Further, we can see great observers, prophets, and men. Courage and kindness. Writing about John Tolstoy wants us to see his life as a representation of the potential of all people, if only we could stay awake until it is too late. ** When he was seventy, Tolayy thought of the author in a long article: What is art? This is one of his most important books. In it, Tolstoy shows that art has a great mission. Thanks to great art, he says, "Low feelings - less good and less needed for the good of humanity - are replaced by better feelings that serve us individually and collectively. That is the purpose of art. “Tolstoy, as a prominent and seductive writer, knows that novels are interesting, or that we not only try to read them, but he also believes they should try to do something else. Also, the pillar for our stumbling block. Maturity and kindness, and they can because they can get to where we need to be, but they rarely get in other people's lives. In art, what is art? Tolstere writes mostly about the works of other authors, but he does, in his own words, summarize great writers, indirectly and indirectly, that they should not help their readers waste their time.

Leo Tolstoy | True Leagand

Over the years, tensions have increased between Leo and his wife, Sofia. He complains that they have a "completely opposite idea of ​​what it means to exist." He insists that even if Sofia is "more angry, more hateful and uncontrollable" he still loves her, though he admits he refuses to try to express his feelings. "There is no greater tragedy than a double bed tragedy," he wrote. At the age of 80, Tolsto was unable to accept him and left his wife and family. He fled in the middle of a cold November night in pneumonia and died at a nearby train station where a train was waiting for him. Tolstoy's funeral was a major public event. Thousands of people from all over Russia and the world. Figure 8 is appropriate because its central offering has a great impact on society. He realized that the image of our similarities to other people was an important driving force in economic and political relations. He expresses the perplexing idea that art can be an important means of gaining more authenticity and often good ideas about what is going on in the minds (and lives) of others. His body was taken home and buried in the garden under some of his favorite trees from childhood.

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